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WSomos un sitio web / revista en línea de música independiente.


Hay muchos Sound Cafe en el panorama musical, nuestro viaje en la escena de la música independiente comenzó en 2004 en uno de esos centros de diversión llamado The Sound Cafe Recording Studio, que era propiedad y estaba operado por el maestro del ritmo Dave Gray. Fue aquí donde nos cortamos los dientes y aprendimos que había mucho más en la música que los suéteres de lana y las guitarras acústicas. Al salir de una sesión de grabación una noche, nos pusieron una cinta en las manos y nos dijeron que escucháramos con atención, la cinta era una grabación de un artista llamado Robbie Robertson, decidimos venir a Canadá e investigar, lo que trascendió fue una nueva mundo de personas increíblemente talentosas de las que nunca habíamos oído hablar, pero que llegamos a conocer de Canadá, EE. UU. y, finalmente, de todo el mundo.


Podrás leer sobre ellos en The Sound Cafe Magazine.


Editor | Publisher: 

Stevie Connor | FEA Media


Contributing Writers:

Erin McCallum | Stevie Connor | Megan Routledge |Richard Flohil (Retired)

Jo Louks | Ken Wallis |Jenny Biddle | Neil Mitchell | Anne Connor 



PR Contributors:

Eric Alper | Pati deVries | Devon Leger | Sarah French

Glenda Rush | Angie Lemon | Jennifer Smits



Ken Wallis | Stevie Connor | Erin McCallum



Dave Bagdade | Calum MacDonald 

Eric Cooper | Jock Hossack | Gene Godsey | Chris Kirkham

Michael Park | Bud Johnson | Paul Long | Ken Wallis | Doug Cox



The Sound Café  Reaches A Consistently Large  Readership Around The World


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The Sound Café  Global Reach - Bounce Rate 42.87%


Important Update: Review Submission Process


As The Sound Cafe continues to grow, we are excited to see an ever-expanding audience and a surge in submissions from record labels, publicists, and artists across various genres from around the globe. Our commitment to delivering quality reviews remains steadfast, and we are thrilled by the increasing interest in having new releases featured on our platform.


However, with the volume of submissions now exceeding 100 per day, we have implemented a new process to ensure that each album receives the thorough attention it deserves. To maintain the high standards of our news and reviews, we have enlisted dedicated reviewers who meticulously listen to and assess each submission over a number of days. In recognition of their time and expertise, we compensate them accordingly.


To manage this efficiently, we are introducing an administrative fee for the review process. This fee only applies to submissions that request a full detailed review of their release. It covers the time and effort of our reviewers, ensuring that each submission is given the thoughtful and detailed consideration it merits. 


Additionally, we want to clarify that while we continue to accept submissions with the intention of publishing news of releases, there is no guarantee that every submission will be published due to the high volume coming at us.


If you would like to submit an album for either a review or a news article, please contact us at  thesoundcafe(at)  (replace (at) with the @ symbol).


Our team will provide you with detailed information about the process and the associated admin fee (if a full review is requested).


You are also asked for the following: 


A short Bio, information about the track / album or video, artwork, download links to your music ( DO NOT send music through email as it clogs up our system ) links to your website and social media platforms, and a link to your YouTube channel.


Please state that we have permission to post links to your  iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube, etc, should we choose to write an article on you,

your band and your music.


We appreciate your understanding and continued support as we strive to

deliver insightful and comprehensive news and reviews.


Thank you for being a part of The Sound Cafe community.



The Sound Cafe Team





The Sound Cafe has a wide network of industry contacts around the world, we utilize this network to help signed and unsigned artists be discovered globally.


Our advertising is perfect for promoting your album, tour dates, festival or any other

music related events. Publicists, managers, promoters and artists can contact our

team for more information.


We do not accept sponsored posts or adverts which are unrelated to the content we provide.


Contact: thesoundcafe(at)

(replace (at) with the @ symbol) for more information.

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¡Gracias por enviar!

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