Blues & Roots Radio Worldwide have announced their choice for the stations inaugural award for Radio Presenter Of The Year 2021.
Paul Long, who had a long and distinguished career as a a live music producer at the BBC in England, presents Blues And Roots Connections, and has been with the station almost since it's inception. Blues & Roots Radio's headquarters are in Toronto, Canada with a hub in Melbourne, Australia and connections all over the world. They present 50 weekly radio shows in many varying genres and are one of the top stations in the world who champion independent artists.
What started out as a bi-weekly show a few years ago, has evolved into a weekly offering of some of the best Blues & Roots music from around the world, and is one of the most popular shows on the station. Paul works tirelessly in the Blues & Roots community in the UK and has been a stalwart supporter of Blues & Roots Radio since joining the global platform.
Co-founder of Blues & Roots Radio, Stevie Connor, said "It's through the amazing team of presenters that we have on the station that we picked up the ISSA (International Singer-Songwriters Association) Award, for Best International Radio Station 2021, Paul has been with us for a long time and presents an outstanding show, along with that, he is a big supporter of what we are all about, he is a well deserved winner of this, our first annual award"
Blues And Roots Connections, with Paul Long is a weekly programme inspired by the blues but not constrained by it. Paul features blues, soul, funk, rock and other music with a roots vibe - music that has the emotional contact and feel, if not always the chord sequence.
As he says, 'it may not always be the blues, but there is always a connection' as the tracks are linked by theme, subject matter, artist and whim! Paul has a lifetime of record collecting as well as his experience as a performer and recording artist, producer and writer for UK blues magazines to draw on in this unique hour of the new, old and unexpected.
Paul received the Independent Blues Broadcaster of the Year 2016, British Blues Awards Blues-based Broadcaster of the Year 2021, UKBlues Awards. Paul is also a Board Member at UKBlues Federation and is Chair at UK Independent Blues Broadcasters Association, and if that is not enough he contributes Keyboards & Vocals with Catfish and The Riotous Brothers.
The multi-award winning Blues And Roots Connections is a radio programme on www.bluesandrootsradio.com every Sunday & Tuesday, it's featured as a podcast here on The Sound Cafe - and always available on Mixcloud.
Mixloud: www.mixcloud.com/paullong961
Blues And Roots Connections: www.facebook.com/bluesandrootsconnections
