The Sound Cafe

Happy Birthday Richard Flohil

Richard Flohil celebrated his umpteenth birthday at the end of June, in fact, he is still celebrating. Because of the ongoing restrictions in Ontario due to the pandemic, rather than a big party, there have been a series of small socially distanced get togethers with friends in Toronto over the last few weeks.

Richard has very graciously been contributing a monthly column to The Sound Cafe Magazine over the last ten months, but this month, he has been so busy he was unable to sit down and write..... however .... he will be back in style in August !

Please join us in wishing Richard a very happy birthday !

In the meantime, you can catch up on all of Richard's musings in the articles below, there is some great reading to be had !.

About Richard Flohil: Richard was born in Yorkshire, England and came to Canada in 1957, he established himself as a music promoter, publicist, is a former Mariposa Folk Festival artistic director and journalist. Richard ran a highly successful public relations company, Richard Flohil and Associates, based in Toronto. He is about to publish a book based on a lifetime of stories in a milestone-filled career.