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'Made Out Of Stars' The New Video Release From Finland's Gem, Terika

By Stevie Connor.

Sometimes you come across an artist who is brand new to your ears, and instantly you want to know more. With an abundance of submissions to The Sound Cafe each day it can be difficult to pick out the music to feature, but, there are the gems that immediately strike you, and Terika is one such gem.

She has that 'something', that 'something' is compelling, Terika draws you in with her delivery, beautiful acoustic guitar accompaniment and an amazing star like presence, which leads me nicely into the latest video release 'Made Out Of Stars', which she most certainly is.

I contacted Terika's label, Humblehouse Records in Finland, and received an immediate reply from Pekka Kähkönen, this is what he had to say ...

"Singer-songwriter Terika is Terhi Karjalainen, her debut album is a result of a long journey. Ten years ago, this young woman from the Savonia region of Finland decided to become a singer. So, she took her guitar on her back like a venturesome vagabond, and started touring across Finland, Asia, and Europe, looking for inspiration and some real stories for her songs."

Terika adds, ”As years went by, I had plenty of songs ready and I made contact with the Finnish musician Janne Kasurinen, and with him we produced this project together”, The other talented musicians on the album have been playing with Terika for a long time.

Pekka continued, "There is an exceptional power in Terika`s strong voice, which leads listeners to the rollercoaster of different emotions. Her music is mainly influenced by the roots of Americana, Folk and Rock music. With producer, Janne Kasurinen, they have created a very personal album, with motion picture sound."

”When Totte Rautiainen joined us for the mixing and mastering sessions, I felt like the raw diamond had found it's shape”, tells a very pleased and happy artist.

Charismatic, cosmopolitan, Terika charms her audience's from the countryside of Rautalampi to the noisy street corners of London.

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