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  • Writer's pictureThe Sound Cafe

Future Live Music Listening Experience

By Stevie Connor.

We bought a ticket to view the Home Routes/Chemin Chez Nous concert series kick off by James Keelaghan and Hugh MacMillan this evening, presented by Wavelength Media's Graham Lindsey.

What is Home Routes / Stay At Home Routes ? I hear you ask !

Home Routes / Chemin Chez Nous (Winnipeg, MB) is a non-profit arts organization that presents the annual Winnipeg Crankie Festival, digital shows via Home Routes Online and Season House Concert Tours. They present world-class musicians, known and unknown, online to a global audience and in person via a circuit of shows on routed tours. Home Routes house concert artists perform in the comfortable intimacy of private homes and other non-traditional spaces, and the tours are planned in rural, urban and remote communities, both large and small, across Canada. The Winnipeg Crankie Festival is a yearly celebration of the arts held in Winnipeg, MB at the Crescent Fort Rouge United Church.

Founded in 2018, the 3rd Annual event takes place Nov 6-8 in 2020. And introducing #HomeRoutesOnline, a full service production service for digital broadcast curated, hosted and presented by Home Routes on facebook live, zoom and/or youtube, to a global audience. The digital concerts generate income for the artists while broadcasting quality produced concerts to the comfort of anyone’s home around the world. Home Routes events are fun to attend, fun to present, fun to play and everyone is welcome to attend.

As Canada’s premiere coast to coast network of house concerts, Home Routes has been pairing artists with rural hosts throughout Canada for more than a decade, presenting more than 7000 performances at nearly 1500 locations before 207,000 fans to date, generating more than four million dollars in artist revenue and royalties since its beginnings in 2007.

Their very first online concert series was launched last night October 6th and The Sound Cafe / Blues & Roots Radio were there !

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience... and the cost, tallying everything up it was an eye opener, I realize that hearing music in person can't be beaten, but, in these trying times when we have to count the pennies, Home Routes are providing an amazing platform and service to artists and fans alike.

For comparison ...

Covid Performance to Guidelines

Ticket - $15 Drinks - $15 ( from our fridge )🍺 Snacks - ( very cheap from our cupboards, we had cheese and crackers :D )🧀 Dress Code - Comfy Lounge Pants Duration - Ran over the hour by approx. 15 minutes due to good banter After show - Live question and answer until there were no more questions. Experience - Brilliant Travel Time - Zero

Total - $30 - $40

Pre Covid Live Performance

Fuel - $10 ( to and from Toronto ) Parking - $30 Ticket - $15 Drinks - $50 ( estimate ) Snacks - $50 ( estimate ) Dress Code - Not Comfy Lounge Pants Duration - Straight sets ( next bands due on, have to leave ) After Show - Quick hello and thank you Experience - Brilliant Travel Time - 2-3 Hours depending on traffic

Total - $150 ( up to $200 )

Check out the concert series, there are some amazing acts to come in the next month or two.

Well done to the entire team who are putting this all together, we'll be back !

Find out more

Fall 2020 Ticketed Show Schedule is:

Oct 20 - Scott Cook live from Edmonton!

Oct 27 - April Verch live from Asheville, NC!

Nov 10 - Hauler live from Saint John, NB!

Nov 17 - The Small Glories live from Winnipeg, MB! 2 shows, 2 time zones EU and NA)

Tickets are available now at


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