The Sound Cafe

Dutch Pop Artist, Noanna, is on a Special Mission

Noanna is a ukulele pop artist. She is on a mission to help other women to become aware of the greatness that's inside of them. In the cradle Noanna trained her vocal cords with continuous roaring, at the age of six she held a guitar for the first time and gave her first performance.

Growing up in The Netherlands, she played and sang in various choirs and bands, for Noanna singing is like breathing.

Noanna’s music is a combination of “quirky pop” with folk and country influences, inspired by Miss Montreal and Nelly Furtado among others.

Noanna initially did not opt for an artist’s life. In 2004 she started working as a teacher at a primary school, in addition to her work in education, she also kept busy with making music. In 2014, she created the show “Message of Love”, a combination of singing and other art forms.

In 2016 she exchanged the guitar for the ukulele, however the combination of working as a teacher, working as a musician, the struggle with motherhood and many other activities of life became too much. In October 2017 she was diagnosed with burnout.

The burnout forced Noanna to make strict choices, she decided to follow her heart and chose to fully embrace music. Going to New Zealand accelerated her recovery, Noanna regained the joy in writing and singing. The inspiration kept coming and she is ready to share those songs with the world.

Noanna says "my dream is to bring joy and encourage people with my music. I hope people will be touched by my music and lyrics, find recognition and be empowered to endure the challenges life brings".

She wants to encourage listeners to explore the topics such as self-condemnation and perfectionism, and how important unconditional (self) love is to tackle these kinds of problems.


